Eye Massage Techniques
Most of your clients probably juggle quite a bit of stress on a day-to-day basis. A great way to alleviate them of this as well as elevate your service is to offer a little massage after the service. Keep in mind this does not have to be anything fancy, just a minute or two that will give your client an extra kick of rejuvenation. This above and beyond service will surely earn you some positive reviews, repeat clients and new clients.
The perfect finish after every RefectoCil service! The massage with the RefectoCil Skin Protection Cream & Eye Mask – cares for the skin intensively and ensures a wonderful pampering effect for your customer.
Ingredients like Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and Almond Oil provide rich and intensive care.
Note: Offer your customer an eye massage as free service. They’ll be happy and will remember this!